Well here is the video clip of the 6:00 PM CBC news, aired on Sept. 19th, “It’s the single life, not families, for more Windsorites. If you missed the news broadcast and you would like to view it, I’m in the beginning of the show.

They quoted me as saying people don’t deal with conflict the way they used to. The rise in Video Game addiction and the loss jobs especially in the auto industry in our area, would explain the higher divorce rates and thus more people living the single life. Everyone knows that with the high unemployment rate, along with job displacement, financial hardship causes a rise in domestic violence and an increase in addiction.

The newest addiction, which is Video game addiction, is more socially acceptable because it’s not as stigmatizing as being addicted to cocaine or gambling etc… It is happening below the radar. So far the destruction of this addiction is yet to be truly documented in our society. Yet this addiction is just as destructive as any drug or alcohol, addiction. People that suffer from Video Game Addiction, live in a world of fantasy. They isolate from every day reality. They tend to close off from relationships and become emotionally detached from other people. The isolation is the common thread in all addictions. People suffering from addiction become obsessed with being on the computer drugs or alcohol, rather than deal with everyday conflicts and problems, in life. Rather then deal with every day life they tend to escape from the real world. With every addiction a lack of maturity is usually always a factor. Not wanting to grow up and deal with conflict in a mature, responsible way, rather escaping or avoiding conflict by finding some kind of escape which is easier but destructive to close relationships.

Hard work, perseverance, trust and honesty are the key factors needed in maintaining a good healthy marriage. Without these important values you will not be able to have a healthy relationship. You also have to be able to have the willingness to work on yourself as well as your relationship and include other people. Too many people try to do it on their own and they don’t know how. In the end they end up being resentful, they loose hope and in the end give up and choose to live the single life because it’s easier. Our Canadian culture has traditionally stressed individualism and achievement as signs of success. This is in stark contrast to developing compassion, closeness, and love for the people that are closest to you.